Mumbai girl saved 3 lives after death

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MUMBAI: If Akola earned infamy in recent times as kidney kingpin Santosh Raut s hometown, a kidney patient from the same town has brought it some redemption. On Sunday, 23-year-old Amruta Teredesai lost her battle against chronic kidney disease at Mumbai s Jaslok Hospital, but her family donated her liver and eyes to change forever the lives of three patients in the city.

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About Dr. Aabha Nagral

Dr. Aabha Nagral is one of India’s leading Hepatologists (Liver specialist) based in Mumbai. Having an experience of around 30 years, she has been successfully treating patients of all liver diseases from India and abroad. She is skilled and known for solving complex problems in her field of specialization which includes Liver diseases and Liver Transplantation in adults & children.

She has been instrumental in setting up the first liver transplant programs at Jaslok Hospital and subsequently at Apollo Hospital, Mumbai. She was involved in the first successful pediatric liver transplant in Western India.

Dr. Aabha Nagral has been a founding trustee of the NGO – Children’s Liver Foundation which was set up to create awareness about liver diseases in children.

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Connect with Dr. Aabha Nagral

Dr. Aabha Nagral is one of India’s leading hepatologists (liver specialist) based in Mumbai. Having an experience of over 30 years, she has been successfully treating patients of all liver diseases from India and aboard.